Thursday, April 30, 2009

Truth lies bleeding!

It happened slowly. First it was simply letting a few special interest in the name of "helping" get projects and causes going. Then of course the sheep were told that instead of thinking about their state or their own turf to think "Party" Then the politicians started to pass out the (metophorically speaking)team jerseys. Ya know lib,conservative,repub and dem.Then the sheep started to cheer as long as their "team" was in power and boo when the "other" team got power. Meanwhile the politicans with their pockets full of special interest money began to only answer to their "party" and the sheeple be damned! Then when ole so and so got elected to congress the first thing he/she did was meet with their "party" leader for marching orders. That way the sheep kept sending sons and daughters off to die in wars and reap hate by the collateral damage to civillians (women and children)while the sheep at home waved the flag and the politicans got richer. Then finally the sheep forgot it was their nation and their state. The borders were thrown open and class warfare started. Then of course the sheep were led in cheering by the politicans and although the sheep knew that "their" guy was corrupt they stopped demanding accountability because the "Other" team does it to and the end justifys the means. Meanwhile the so called "teams" where actually paying into the same franchise and the sheep were being dumped on. So cheer,cheer dear old G.O.P. or sacred old Democrat! Meanwhile the sheep kept saying things like: Health care is a privaledge and when the sheep lost their jobs they lost their health care. Meanwhile only the very poor (easier to control)and the very rich (they control)could get health care. The middle class vanished and all the people said: Amen! Give us Barrabas! while the "truth" lay bleeding!

Posts: 3504 Location: Eternal Now! Registered: 06-16-2006

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Current mood: adventurous Category: Religion and Philosophy
I stood at the foot of my grandparents graves some years ago now. Standing in that little country cematary in Northeast Alabama these words of joy filled my mind. Happy Easter! Now it wasn't Easter as far as the holiday went but it meant the world to me. It told me that somehow they were home! The grave held nothing more than the elements waiting to go back to the earth. Happy Easter! Now years later as a self styled "liberal" Christian who has left the fire and brimstone of my youth behind I think of Easter. I think back over my life and the meaning of Easter! I have to be honest I no longer feel that I deserve the fires of hell for the life I've lived. I actually can't see a loving God calling for the sadistic torture of souls. But Easter has lost none of it's meaning to me. The story of Easter is not simply sinners in the hands of an angry god. No I am not writing here to challenge your faith or make fun of your core vaules and beliefes. I am writing here in celebration! In no other religion in the world. Not in buddishm and it's wonderful meditation that I honestly respect and enjoy. Not in Hinduism with it's multitude of gods and goddess and not even in the beauty of nature that Wicca enjoys do I find this one gem of the faith of my childhood. That the maker of the entire cosmos could Love so fully and so perfectly that he/she/spirit would become one of us. That he would put on mortality not in a fire and brimstone follow me way. But in the ultimate sacrafice of a parent to a sick child. You might take your childs suffering upon yourself if it would release him or her but would you do it for a brother or a sister or a stranger or one who doens't even have the capacity to love you back? Would you do it just to join in! Not to cure or release from pain but to literally join in the pain! That is love! To take part in the suffering of the poor helpless beings that don't even know how to thank you. That is Easter! Not that we don't taste death but that he enters it with us and finally brings us (each of us in time)out the other side! He is risen indeed! So am I! So will I!