Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome President Obama!

I do support the new President and I hope for the sake of all of us that he suceeds. I had hoped the last one would do better just as I wanted Clinton to do better. I am an American and the prosperity of my nation is good for me. Still some folks on my hometown paper forum are a little antsy the past few days. I do want to say this to you who are a little angry and disullusioned today. I can at least understand where some of the black folks are coming from. No it does not justify people like Farakan or Wright or Lowery. But for folks who are "brown" and who have always wondered about their representation it is a moment unlike any other. Finally, they can say "we" have a stake in this nation. The person in high office knows a little (rich no matter the color can ever know the poor completely.) but he knows a little more than most how "I" meaning black folks feel. I have never before had to look at a president and honestly wonder "does he hate me because of the color of my skin?" Now I honestly know how that feels because even though I support Obama I am very leery of Michelle and of the pollyanna rock star status of the new president. Still, black folks for generations have had to wonder. They know that whites have prejudice thoughts just as they have prejudice thoughts. For all my life I have wondered why do so many black folks say "I stay" instead of I live in a place? Now, I am begining to understand. They didn't feel they owned it. They felt like squatters. Now, I hope they will begin to take ownership and start to build instead of raising a generation that thinks it's "white" to act like you want to succeed at anything. So, cut em a little slack. Certainly call them and any one else including liberal white's out that tries to demonise "white" folks. But try to understand just a little bit where they are coming from. It might make the next 4 or eight years more bearable to you who are uneasy or angry about the election. God Bless President Obama! God help us all at this time in our nation and our world.