Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

document.write(''+ myTimeZone('Tue, 04 Nov 2008 06:10:30 GMT-0800', '11-04-2008 08:10 AM')+'');
11-04-2008 08:10 AM 11-04-2008 08:10 AM
Most of us today who don't consider ourselves a die hard repulican or democrat will today if the media is correct elect Obama. To the Repulicans: You may love bush and you may take up for him in a time of economic struggle. You may or may not have legitimate points for why you do. I'm not an economist and I'm not sure of all the little "sins" of the past that have gotten us here. I do know that like most Americans I vote with my wallet (admit it now)and with my emotion (two wars two fronts is idiocy.)So today the reason (right or wrong)that I will not be voting repulican if I vote is george dubya bush! You may not like it but he has done more damage to the conservative movement (and he isn't a true Goldwater conservative)than dems or the media ever could.To the Democrats: Keep acting like Obama is the savior and the incarnation of all good and that all white people who vote against him are racist and you will reap what you sow also. Most of us are not voting because we love Obama or democrats. Those of us who are giving you this chance today are simply tired of the way the train is getting off track. Mess up and play politics with the lives of our soilders and the economy and in four years we will be ready to throw your ass out also. Most Americans are neither right wing fanactics or left wing socialist. Most as a matter of fact are (and I am moderately left myself)a little to the right but fairly middle of the road.Right now we feel we have no choice but to vote Obama or stay home because only the most blind die hard repulican could call bush a "good" president. But just beware I (and many more)have woken up to the fact that the right wings and left wings and special interest have killed our democracy or at least have it on life support. If the Obama presidency starts the jessie jackson al sharpton racist junk then I and many others will throw em out come next election cycle. We need to heal the divides and I think Obama may be the person to get that process started. So here is your chance (at least I believe it is we still have an election today although the media and polls seem to have already decided it. I will say one thing: After eight years and two wars and inflation out the yin yang I am ready to take my chances on a new direction. Lets hope they don't blow it.

Posts: 2732 Location: In the front row! Registered: 06-16-2006