Thursday, August 21, 2008


You can't handle the truth! We all love that line! But it got me thinking and now I'm gonna get it from both sides but here goes:All but the most dedicated Repulican Conservative would have to admit (and some of those will)that george bush has been a disaster for this nation. Inflation,gas prices,economy,two wars on two fronts!People having to work two jobs just to pay their rent or mortage.Incredible pay checks to oil company CEO's and incredible profits while they stick it to us at the pumps. If he honestly worked for some of the folks who support him they would have fired his butt eight years ago and they know it. Repulicans have controled the congress for most (not now)but for most of the past 12 years. So why am I having such a hard time supporting Obama? Why are people like me who are not democrats or repulicans and who think both the conservative and liberal wingnuts are killing our nation not comfortable with Obama? Mccain has never met a war he didn't like! Well here is the truth from one middle aged white guy and please remeber a couple of things if you think this is worth discussing. 1. I am not an english teacher and I am not going to spell check every word I write so if that is all you are worried about then Bug Off! 2. I am not a registered democrat or repulican and I am not trying to "convince" you that bush is a horrible president. The above is my opinion of the past eight years and spamming with all the mistakes the Clintons made or all the non sense the Democrats have fostered on us is not even where this is going. This is a challenge to others "like me." who are middle aged, white (don't hate my race or apoligise for it.)people who are uncomfortable with Obama and yet feel Mccain is just "shrub lite." Which brings me to a third point. 3. Please don't start (you know who you are.)with the b.s. that everyone who doesn't support Obama is a racist. That chit got old about a minute after it first came up. Now, why am I not to keen on Obama? Truth! His color combined with some of the people he has surrounded himself with over the past twenty years or so make me uneasy. I know it may not be rational or fair but I called this "truth" not politically correct. I (in my younger days)attended a local church here in Gadsden. The Pastor was not only my pastor but my freind and confident! I would still call him right now and certain others of that church if I was told I was gonna die in six months. Truth! I'm not a bible thumping born again fundlementilist. But,that is how much confidence and how much spirituality I've seen out of the place I attended for much less than twenty years. So, I am to believe that he did not know or agree or at least understand the man he called " Like an uncle" to me was not a reperations demanding white hating racist idiot? Before ya start I have read and watched much film on jerry wright and it is not out of context. So, he has surrounded himself with the brothas and whities who hate their own race for twenty years? Yeah that worries me. But still he seems to be a person that wants to unite the races instead of doing the old us against them sthick. He responded well to a young black man who started that crap and Obama told him he wanted to unite all races instead of dividing them. Still it bothers me that so many of the media refuse to take him to task and act offended when someone questions him. He's running with the big boys and girls and he is subject to the riducle and scrutiny that comes with the territory. Then there is the Michelle problem. I have watched her in interview and I am not impressed. She visited the Daily Show with John Stewart and believe me if you are familiar with that particular show she was in the company of freinds. Yet she came out with her lips pursed and her battle face on. After a couple of soft balls she began to realise that it was not an interview but a love fest and she lightened up. (kind of like the cheney broad being "interviewed" by big bill oreilly)Then Mr. Obama saying he didn't want to ingratiate himself to white people Sorry,whatever context ya put it in I (and most white people with a pulse and a brain)don't like it. Then he writes a book about his daddy when his daddy was spreading his sperm all over Africa and North America but it was politically expedient since his mother (who along with her whitey family raised the little snit!)was the wrong "color" to write a book about. Still,how many black people have had to vote for a person they felt was a closet racist? So, I do understand. Anyway, I will admit if he had acted a little more middle of the road. (white?) Maybe married a mixed girl instead of a sistah who plays on the old "we shall overcome" speil while living in splendor that most people white or black will never touch it wouldn't be so bad. See? I told you I would be honest! So, if Barrack were white or at least paid more respect to his "other" side would I be more comfortable with him? Absolutely! I am so sick of what this administration has done to my nation. However, do I feel like a racist? NO! Prejudice? Yeah a little. (told ya I'd be honest) Will I vote for Barrack? Yeah! If I vote. I can't see voting for shrub hugging johhny m! But only because I despise what is happening to our economy and nation right now. But,we do need to drill for oil wherever we can find it. Black folks do need to stand on their own feet. Sorry bout slavery but chit happens and it's time to move on. Not gonna pay a dime in reperations and not gonna go to the back of the bus and damn all white folks. Anyway, this is honesty! Anyone, black or white or hispanic or Asian who tells ya they don't feel a little tinge or question when someone of a different race or attitude or culture is in charge is either lying or self hating or Christ incarnate! Peace!