Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

I was looking at a forum talking about religous tolerance and the pledge and the constitution and started thinking. No matter where you stand on religion, can you imagine this nation trying to agree on a pledge or a constitution or a National Anthem today? We truly have fallen far from the common sense and standards and faith in the spirit of mankind that our forfathers had. Please forgive all spelling errors as I am in a hurry this morning but wanted to get this written down.I can see it now:

One nation? Wait a minute...let me tell ya bout the hispanic experience gringo! No wait, let me tell ya bout the African american reality. No wait what about the south? The south? You hillbillies should be nuked under with the rest of the bible thumping idiots. Hold it! You can't say under god because Darwin and ritchie dawkins say that to believe in god is the same as believing in the tooth fairy! Well wait a minute! The earth may have evolved but it may have been created in six days so lets make sure we have a Christian nation! Hold it! Just hold on! We need some symbol in there that speaks of the "white" oppression of people of color and by the way the Isralie government wants to be sure you understand how intimately tied the interest of the U.S. is with them. Hold it the Saudie Kingdom won't go for that! Anyway,the "corporation" for a better Amerika just called and the lawyers want to look these documents over! Ah to heck with it! Lets just hoist the Union Jack and forget it! Have a happy fourth and be glad your nation's birth isn't being decided today by the beloved liberals and coservatives and corperations.